Thursday, December 15, 2011

Before I forget.

Elliot inspires me each day to learn and love more.
Wanted to write about a couple of things before I forget.

About a month ago, we were at the drive through bank line. Elliot kept asking about the "cylinder" and I wasn't really paying too much attention as I was filling things out and sending them through. Then I realize that my child doesn't ask for the "thing that sends," or "thing I put the pen back into," etc... My son asks for the "CYLINDER" that the check and money travel in!
It's so funny that I come across as bragging all the time with what Elliot does, but more so, I am just in awe of children in general (and I am biased as his mom).
Kids grasp EVERYTHING. We need to take a close look at our words and actions to see the message we are sending, as they get it ALL.

We have been loving making up songs about trains. We sing together each night and most days I can walk into a room where Elliot is singing his made up words. My heart swells. He is composing some masterful Brooks House Hits.
This Christmas--as we do each year--we went through E's toys and picked out plenty for donation. Elliot attempts to donate EVERYTHING. This year as he tried to get rid of every last toy, I reminded him that he would not get them back--that they would go to other children who had less. He smiled and insisted on donating one of his beloved cars. I told him we needed to keep that one and he told me to "listen" and understand that he REALLY WANTED to donate it to the "poor kids."
So I did. He has not once asked for it back or felt regret. Instead, every so often he mentions donating it. He joyfully explains that now the "poor kids" are happier.
sigh... I am officially a doting mom.
What can I do? I am using this blog as a record of him each year. All moms and dads know what I know. And that is this: Our kids are our lives. Everything our kids do make out hearts--much like the Grinch's--grow 3 times as large.
Merry Christmas!

Monday, October 10, 2011

new construction

so it's really difficult to see dimension through these pics so you only get half the effect of what it is to hold the creations in your proud parent grubby little hands.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

conversations with Elliot

E making jokes as he spies things in the kitchen:

E: Mom, your a pan head!

E: Mom, you're a pot head!

later that week...

E (running) Look mom, I'm so fast, I've got speed, I'm on speed! I'm on speed! (**he just meant he was full of speed and quick, I promise he doesn't know any more than that!)

In the car after school:

E: Mom, can we get some coconut water?

me: Not today honey, you had some yesterday, coconut water is a treat."

E: I don't want it to be a treat, I want it to be regular.

me: It's a treat honey, because it's expensive.

E (exasperated) But mom, ugh, I LIKE EXPENSIVE THINGS!


Calling to me after I have put him to bed.

E: Mama, I'll never forget you in the whole wide world!

Tonight calling after bed to me:

E: Thank you!

me: For what?

E: For getting me Horizon milk at Starbucks today.

me: You are SOOOO welcome, honey. I love you.

E: I love you too. You are the best girl and I never want another.

Funny genius

So we're convinced that Elliot is not only a comedic genius, but a construction genus as well. And yes, all parents are partial to their kids, but by golly, this kid builds 5-10 things a day and they are all out of this world!

James and I have made the mistake of thinking Elliot has been helped or that the other adult built the entire thing, only to find that no, there was no help--just Elliot's little mind and hands at work.
James and I were so blown away by one this week that James designed an entire 3-D model on the computer to duplicate it! My boys are both very smart indeed.

Note that all pics here are of things E did ALONE. Even the train track configuration.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

This little soul...

Today James and I were outside working in the yard and due to a misunderstanding, I removed a plant (that I thought was dead and James wanted me to remove). Long story short, James did not want it removed and was upset that it had been.

There might not be a better time to see what a lovely soul your child is than when he is stepping in and providing insight and understanding when you are lacking that.

This little old soul talked to us about "frustration," "feeling better," and getting "out of your frustration and making things right."

He asked us how we felt and if there was anything we needed to feel better. He was a beacon and a little healer of sorts.

I might not be the best mom on earth, but seeing him step into that role was him speaking to James and I the way that we speak to him when it is his frustration we are dealing with. He turned it all around, took the driver's seat, and lead us to a champ.

Yay to our parenting (at least for today).
Yay to our son for being so open, responsive, smart...for being a leader of love.

Monday, September 5, 2011


Some words I forgot to mention from the previous post that Elliot uses regularly:


Just fun to hear his little voice and big words.

Friday, September 2, 2011

So lucky

The overwhelming feeling these days is that we are so lucky and so blessed to have this amazing kid. I actually can't believe how easy he is--how sweet, charming, connected, and well-adjusted he is in so many (even tough) situations.
I have grown an extra heart inside my chest.

Yesterday as Elliot and I were upstairs, he called down the stairs (which have a turn in them near the bottom to take you downstairs). He called out to daddy to come up and help us bring some things down.
After he called out to daddy, he looked at me and said,
" Your voice lines have to bend to get to the other person's ears."
yowzers if that isn't completely correct!

Once when he was newly 3, he came to me as I was getting ready for the day and told me that I had left (the night before) a chocolate bar out on the end table next to the couch.
He told me, "Mama, you left your chocolate out so I put it on the island, high up where the dogs can't get it."
I told him how happy that made me (literally, it was a whole bar of DARK chocolate) that the dogs wouldn't get sick now from eating.
Then I asked him, "and did you eat any of it?"
To which he said, "no Mama."
I told him how he had done the right thing and I was so proud, then we promptly marched out to the kitchen where I gave him a piece of that chocolate! :)
Thanks to my 3 year old I didn't have a huge vet bill that day!
Big words:
Elliot opts for the "big words" and coming from his little mouth with his high-pitched voice, it's awfully cute. Some of them I can recall right now:


There are more, but they have left my brain for the moment. Sometimes James and I refer to him as "Rainman" as he has a child's outlook but a super-smart mind!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Elliot overwhelmed by Emalina's Presence

There are far too many things in this video that are funny. Rather than me write them all here, just have a look for yourself at sheer, unbridled, excitement...

some videos from the past 3 months

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Elliot had his first dentist apt today and really put all of us adults to shame.

This THREE year old did EVERYTHING that the hygienist asked. He did it with a smile, with poise, respect, and joy.

Basically, he SHOCKED the hygienist...

But he didn't shock his Mama ;)

He declared, " we got the goop off of my teeth!"

**note: before I took him today I acted very excited and told him that we were going to the dentist to get sparkles on our teeth.

He held a mirror up and watched as he got his teeth cleaned and flossed. Then he pointed out his new sparkles (they were in his eyes too).

* the photo is when E was newly 3. Though you can't see it well here, this is his first scultpure with a distinguishable face. It actually had EYEBROWS!

Monday, June 27, 2011


When I put E down most nights we continue to call to each other even after I have left his room.

We call out, "I love you! sweet dreams! Happy day! You're the best in the whole world!"

And then when I am all out of things to say, Elliot calls to me, "Have a great weekend!" (** it's Monday ;)

Tonight Elliot wanted me to be be one to hide under the blanket while he pretended not to know where I you can imagine, the roles are reversed here as to what normally occurs.

He put the blanket over me and then he put a pretend puzzled look on his face saying, "I don't know where Mommy is, she was just here...I guess I need to go have some coffee."
Then he hopped down from his bed, picked up one of my brown flip flops and pretended to drink from it.
As he got back on bed he said, "Oh there you are! I just had to go have some coffee and now I found you!"

So tonight as I left his room (after making a sandwich because he actually did get ravenously hungry again) he called out:

"Thank you for having us have fun!"

What a joy these little beings are.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

"When I'm 4 I'll have a 4 birthday candle and a bigger bed!"

I'm so far behind in posting. If you ask me, these days nearly everything that comes out of Elliot's mouth is "blog worthy." I will attempt to list a few highlights from memory:

E (to me) : " you are my best wife. When I get married I will have two wives, but you are my best one."

Me: "Elliot, you are so handsome."
E: " You are so handsome too, Mommy."
Me: "What does it mean to be handsome?"
E: "It means you love someone."

E asks me regularly, "Mommy, how did/does that make you feel?"

Me (in my bathroom getting ready for work) "Elliot, come here and keep me company."
E: "I'm in here next to daddy.....................................
thanks, though."

(I ran my fingers over his tummy which made it draw back due to the tickle involved)
E: "Look Mama, my tummy is laughing!"

*Tonight as I am putting him to bed we were singing and acting silly as usual. I tickled him and he tickled me back--it was such a good tickle that I roared with laughter, to which he screamed laughing and said, "I told you I would shake you down!"

E is regularly supportive to James and I in the same way we are to him. He often tells us:

"You can do it!"
"I knew you could do it!"
"I'm proud of you."
"You're doing a good job."
"You look really great."

I love the encouragement because well, heck, we all love encouragement--but mostly because these phrases are sticking. He is saying what he is hearing and that is what I want him to hear all the time...that he is doing the best job of being a beautiful human being, that his parents are proud, and that he can do anything he sets his heart to.