Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ok--so much to say. Elliot is so smart. He is an everything in is mouth baby now. I used to pump while he was nursing--no more. He goes for the pump, pump bottle, and hose as if it were baby crack.
Excuse the crudeness here but other things that are "baby crack" are as follows:

FEET ( is there anything better?)
The new wooden rattle
The Dogs --Especially Linus--we have two black lab mixes who Elliot thinks are hysterical! And they love and protect him. Linus will put up with all sorts of high pitched screams and hair pulling just to be with Elliot. Sometimes dogs just know...
Kisses on the face
Daddy's songs
Mommy's songs
Having mommy blow in his face--yes, you'd think he wouldn't enjoy this but he adores it.

He is sitting rather well and rolling like a rolling pin. He is definitely more aware of when mommy or Daddy leaves the room. If he is in the swing and we leave just for a second, he is obviously not thrilled.
He does fuss more because he can tell us now what he is into and not so into.
I keep reminding myself to stay present--to soak in each moment (even in the middle of the night). He will not be a baby forever. It's hard to imagine. It's more and more real when I see how he's progressing.
As a parent you finally understand the LOVE of a parent the capacity for that love. The fact that your child is EVERYTHING to you and that you would put them before you in a heartbeat.
On another note: ELLIOT IS SO STRONG!
He will reach out and literally RIP YOUR FACE OFF! Watch out. At first you think, "oh, how cute, he's reaching for my lip...and then you're crying.
He's recently been chomping down REALLY hard while nursing. A few of these bites have sent me screaming and frightening him. I have to reassure him I'm fine--but tell him to be gentle because it hurts mommy. I find I'm scared of nursing now because this is happening so often. The jaw is very, very strong I am here to tell you.
I am feeling pretty bad physically. Not getting into it here, but all the issues I had before are now very much more pronounced. It is tough. My doc thinks much will get a bit better when I wean as more nutrition will come my way (as opposed to into my breast milk) and I might get more sleep. I am in no rush to wean. I want what Elliot wants.
Soooo...a quick note on sleep. Elliot is learning and getting a bit better. He seems to have a better understanding that sleep is what is supposed to be happening at certain times. I will take all improvements and be glad that they are coming--nomatter how slowly.
I freakin' love this kid.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Elliot is growing up fast! It's so wonderful to watch how deliberate his movements are--especially when they involve placing feet in mouth (his favorite thing to do)). Try putting a diaper on a baby who won't remove his toes from his mouth!
He is showing off more rolling skills. Also sitting with one or no hands (for brief periods). He squeals a high pitch squeal when he approves of things. His crinkled up nose smiles are the best--especially in the morning.
We've been going to the neighborhood pool and he loves it. He loves to splash and even more so, to watch the older kids playing. I can't believe he'll one day be those older kids! Ugh, let's not talk about that anymore, it makes my heart hurt!
Yesterday at the pool James was pulling Elliot through the water (on top of it) and Elliot was kicking like a little froggie. I know he'll be just like James in his love of the water. I enjoy the water--but I'm a land lover at heart :).
In just two days Elliot will be 5 months old! It's unreal how fast is truly goes by...

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Rough and Tumble and the Good stuff

All I want to say about the sleep thing is that it is still quite rough. We have our good times, but much of it is a struggle. Ahhhh...sleep. I am obsessed with the thought of it. Elliot and I both need it.
Elliot is a fabulous little creature. He can sit up much better now (using his arms for support). He sometimes lifts one off the floor and he looks like he's riding a bull! It's too funny!
He can roll both ways now, but we don't see the roll from the back to the belly that often--he likes to do it in his crib or when we look away for a brief second.
He is a thumb sucker-which is nice because he'll never loose it like he might a pacifier.
He is the best to wake up to in the morning. I come in and say "good morning baby!" as I open the blinds. He lifts up on his arms (as he's rolled to his belly by now) and he smiles a HUGE smile. I kiss him all over his face and he squeals with glee. Then we change and play.
I love him too much for words and I can't wait to see what new things he'll do each day.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Uncle Chris!

Yay, a visit from Elliot's Uncle!
They both had a blast
I am truly amazed at a mother's ability to stay awake and care for her young despite what is some of the most baffling sleep deprivation. I love my little guy so much. Hope we'll figure this sleep thing out soon.
On another note, Elliot continues to amaze me. He is so much fun and so trusting. On one hand I can't believe how much time has past and on another, this all seems like a blip.
His new favorite game is where I raise both his arms and kiss his tiny triceps and armpits! He squeals with glee and laughs big belly laughs! That is SO FULFILLING! It takes my breath away.