Saturday, December 19, 2009

So much holiday cheer!

I really couldn't be happier this Christmas time. I feel unbelievably thankful for jobs, love, humor, family, friends, and most of all--children. Christmas has never felt so blessed as it does when shared with Elliot. He is still a bit indifferent to the Christmas tree--but at least he's not trying to knock it over or eat it! The light coming from it is really beautiful and when I come downstairs in the middle of the night, to say--put the barking dogs out--the glow is really peaceful.
Here are some recent photos. We went to the Trail of Lights tonight. It was a lot of fun. Elliot was bundled up and I could hardly handle myself from squeezing him too hard because he was a bundle of CUTE!
We are so lucky. We are so blessed. We are so thankful.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Last weekend we went to the zoo. Elliot loved it--as did Mama and Dada. What an amazing thing it is to connect with animals.
It's hard to believe Elliot will be 2 in February. Also, in some ways it's easy to believe--seems I can barely remember life without him in it.
Today I said to James, "it makes me sad that one day there won't be a tiny person running in the house."
A tiny person has a way of running, with urgency and joy and a bobbing up and down.
Elliot has been saying many new words. I will list a few of them so that when I'm older I'll have them here as I know I'll forget.
-"Snook" (a sloth from a tv show)
-up (with the "p"sound)

there are more--but these are the most recent. Hearing his little voice form these words is adorable. It really melts my heart.
I suspect this Christmas will be the last one that Elliot doesn't have an understanding of. He hasyet to covet gifts as he will as he gets older. For now, gift wrap and bows are still going to go a long way. He is still the best gift I have ever gotten. James and I gave thanks this Thanksgiving, for the most beautiful boy we could ever have imagined.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Thanks once again to Elliot's PK for making a PHENOMENAL costume. If it were up to me, Elliot would go dressed in his PJ's as,"a kid who takes great naps." It would be quite a stretch from reality! :)
Elliot should sleep like a rock tonight as he felt very proud of his costume and ran all around showing everyone.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Daddy and son ...and their shared love of cereal and each other

A boy and his dog

It's just lovely how affectionate little E is. He LOVES his dogs and he and Linus have a bond that words can't quite describe. Just watch. I ruin it in the end by getting Linus' attention. Poor Elliot looks at me like, "where did my pillow go?"

Where's Elliot?

Elliot's favorite game. How funny are the feet sticking out of the cabinet?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Tonight at our Chinese dinner James and I opened fortune cookies that were fortune-less. We agreed that it was a good thing and that we could decide out fate! Pam (James' mom read the remaining fortune and it said, others enjoy your company. We all decided that the most deserved person for that fortune was, who else--Elliot.
We had the most gorgeous day to take E to the pumpkin patch. The best part was the shady maze made from bales of hay. He ran all around and loved watching the older kids playing chase. He went up and over, up and over. As you can see in one photo, Elliot was so happy to make friends with a little boy about 8 months older. Look at the smile Elliot puts on! He is actually unbelievably captivated by children and VERY eager to make friends...even if they aren't. He's a special person.
I painted a little Elmo pumpkin which Elliot ran to and hugged saying, "Elmo!" Oh--and at the pumpkin patch he was so confused when all the orange balls were so heavy and didn't move! That's just confusing! We do so much tossing and kicking of balls at home that he must have thought these were broken.
On the way home from dinner he attempted to say as many words as possible. Reminds me of someone...
My mom did have to buy me the children's book Little Miss Chatter Box when I was quite young. Wonder if they have a Little Mister Blabber Box? I have to tell you, sometimes he is the best conversationalist.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009

Naked Time!

If you are squeamish about cute little baby tooshie, than do not watch this video. Also, if you aren't used to little baby boys and their fascination with ALL parts of their bodies, than prepare to see what I mean.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

in love.

I can barely contain my love for this little person. I have my lips pressed to his face all day long.

Monday, August 17, 2009


On August 14th, I turned 30. It was really amazing. I feel truly loved by family and friends. I have all that I could hope for. Elliot's gifts to me were sloppy kisses and the word, "shoe."
James and I had WAY too much fun with a night filled with sushi and Karaoke!
I think it's obvious in the photo that I'm pretty happy. It's hard not to laugh that hard when you're doing a duet with your husband to Bonnie Tyler's Total Eclipse of the Heart. Now I can check that off the list of things to do before I'm 31!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Friday, August 7, 2009

I love kids

Okay, so years back, before I had a little person of my own, I used to love dogs. Don't get me wrong, I still LOVE dogs--all animals in fact. I thought kids were cute.
These days I go out of my way to see puppies and children (all ages really). I will choose to go in the door of the grocery store where I see a toddler is about to exit (just to catch a glimpse or hear what they might have to say).
Children are joyous, curious creatures whom we adults can learn a lot from.
Elliot has been absorbing EVERYTHING we've said, done, and seen in the past 17 months. He is saying new words at an alarming pace and lives to name things, point when asked, and show us how to do certain tasks.
He mimics us even when we think he's not paying attention.
The other day he gently smacked his own cheeks while smiling and saying, "no, no, no..."
He loves when we put things on his head. He parades around showing us proudly--whether it's a headband, hat, or pair of shorts. :)
His affection is to die for. He lays against us to read (many times each day). Right before he gets in his crib he lifts his sleepy head and leans in for a kiss before gently pushing to get into bed with his "Babo, Jeero, and Doggy." Poor Jeero, he's just another Babo to Elliot!
Elliot feels helpful these days. He presses the correct buttons to begin the laundry and dryer. He loves to close the doors to the dishwasher and pantry. He puts most anything "away" in the trash.
I know that he is capable of so much. When I watch him and speak with him I realize he is understanding far more than he is able to say. It' s the same with most people learning a language--they understand more than they can speak.
I continue to show Elliot a few more signs so that he can tell me what he needs. Not only has Sign Language (ASL) helped Elliot to communicate, it has opened pathways in his mind that symbols have meaning.
Currently he likes to show me the signs for water and finished. He has his unique way of showing them and they are very cute.
Elliot knows and points to all body parts. He also knows the names for his clothes. If you ask him where his shirt is, he'll grab it and shake it rapidly, smiling..."this is my shirt!"
There is too much to report, but as I know I won't remember it all when he's older, I try to get some of it down.
I gave him his first hair cut and kept his curls in a little porcelain holder that my Dad got for me in France. It makes me want to cry--and cheer. He is a little boy now. He is strong and smart and growing every second. When I am holding him and we pass a mirror, I am mesmerized. I feel like I'm holding a 5 year old! How fast babyhood fades.
He reminds me everyday to be a better person--to listen, to teach, to love, as fully as I can. I will be 30 in less than a week. I have such a blessed life. I have all that I need.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Movie time


This is Elliot letting me know that he is done with swimming for the day.

Bathing Beauty

Here's the little water bug in only a swim diaper, aqua socks, and shades. Too funny. He so loves the water.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sleepy time Elliot

I love that when little e gets tired he finds a cushion/blanket/carpet and lays down. Each day when I see he's getting too overwhelmed, I can lay him down and he has a 30 minute rest with a sippy and a movie. I now realize that a children's movie allows Elliot to "zone out" and relax enough to get energized for the rest of the day. Without it he is too overstimulated.
We do this because for Elliot, this equals his "second nap." He has only taken one nap since he was about 9 months. It's adroable really. I prop him up with pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, and one of his favorite drinks and he just AGREES to it! He loves his down time...must be my kid! I'll getg video of this soon. FOr now, here he is telling Mama very clearly, he needs a rest!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Thanks PK!

Elliot's got some new digs! He's the best dressed kid around thanks to his PK (James' Mom). THANK YOU SO MUCH for making the adorable outfits. More pictures to come...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Swimming--my favorite boys

What can I say? My heart...

Sunday, May 31, 2009


We've had so much fun lately! I always think I'll have time to write and then I don't and I have sooo much I want to report. I mostly like writing down what Elliot is up to because I know time will melt together and I won't remember everything--especially a correct time line of Elliot's life and certain milestones.
Elliot remains the family comedian. He is a ham. He's funny too.
Some ways Elliot makes us laugh:
-putting things his head
-putting fingers in his mouth and pulling them out to make a POP!
-rolling on the floor
-pretending the spoon is feeding cheeks instead of mouth
-saying, "ohhhh" like Mama
-pretending to laugh
-clicking tongue like a clucking chicken
-PRETENDING to be shy!

Things that are soooo sweet:
-Giving hugs by placing his head on your shoulder for a LONG time. He will also give a hug if you ask.
-Kisses if asked or not. Sloppy at times :)
-Hugging his stuffed animals
-hanging on to "Babo" and "Jeero" long after waking from a nap
-Playing/singing/talking alone in crib for up to an HOUR with his animals
-Playing chase
-laying on the floor to "read" his book alone
-carrying books to you, saying "Book????"
-sitting in your lap to read countless books or drink and entire sippy

Besides the normal Mama, Dada...etc.
-drink (dink)
-bye bye

there are more but I can't think of them. He will sometimes mimic a word right after you say it and you are astonished. Then you work for 10 minutes to try to get him to repeat it, but it's gone...only to reappear at a later date.

We are so excited about his signing also. Sometimes he gets frustrated and I tell him that I need him to use his words or signs so that I can help him find what he needs. Most of the time he will say or sign what he's looking for. It's really wonderful when he starts to grunt and yell and James says, "tell me what you need" and Elliot puts his fingers together and places them on his lips. SNACK DADDY!

Hopefully soon we'll get some photos of swim lessons. James takes him every Friday. Elliot loves the water and when we take him to the pool tries to put his head under to let us know he's ready. He goes under now and we push him back and forth. He's a fish. Also, he looks so cute in his gear and aqua socks, the pics must be taken!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Watermelon in May

Well, Texas is as hot as ever and we are loving the evenings as the sun goes down. Grandpa bought Elliot a watermelon. He ate 4 slices!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mr. Social

Is this funny or what? Elliot likes to touch people's faces. Some people are happier than others about this fascination. One time I got a baby finger shoved right up my nose. E continues to LOVE music class. There are some other cameos by some sweet babies. Sufyan is my dear friend Ravyn's little boy. Notice the adorable smile he gives to the beloved camera.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mommy's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers everywhere! It's wonderful to have a day to celebrate moms who work and love so hard. My heart is always more full these days than before we had Elliot in our lives. I feel so much more purpose and an overwhelming capacity to love.
We are officially weaned. It was tough for both Elliot and I--though I think I will miss that bond more than I ever thought I would when I began nursing. It is just so easy to be able to offer exactly what he needs and you know that it will do the trick! I will miss looking down at him like that--and him looking up. He is a toddling boy. We are off to adventures that this new phase will bring. And we are RUNNING to greet them... :)
**Above Elliot is just minutes old. His little foot is covered in ink ready to put his stamp on life.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

precious moments

After music class and a snack, Elliot was "in the zone" as we call it. He usually dazes out and goes into a bit of a post class lull. He uses so much energy during class that he needs to re-boot. I was videoing this lull period and it turned into something else altogether. :)

books, GLORIOUS books!

Elliot LOVES to read! We spend so much time with books. I especially loves when he brings a books to me, crawls in my lap and lays against me while I read. I remember loving when mom and dad read to me as a kid. There's just something about books...

Monday, April 20, 2009


Elliot has been walking for a while now. He is getting quite good--changing directions, turning around, etc. Here he is before our bath--still a bit wobbly from sleep.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

safety first!

I taught Elliot to get off of furniture safely. It's a great skill to have especially when you like to climb as much as he does. PK asked us to video it because she was so proud of his abilities :).

Music Class

I can't tell you what a joyous day I had today. I just can't put it into words. Here is a small snippet of Elliot at music class. He is dance. He is music. He is LOVE. A huge thanks to Ravyn (Sufyan's Mama--you'll see them in the video) for telling us about this great program!

P.S. Check out the kid that pushes Elliot on the back and then lifts his shirt to show his belly. For those of you who are in my age group, you will recognize this as, "O'doyle RULZ!"

Monday, March 16, 2009

Lunch fun

Elliot is making the sign for "more" in this video. The funny thing is that he signs it when I say "more," not when he wants more of something. He knows it matches the word, but has not grasped the concept of more.
He also makes us laugh with his fake chewing or "gobbling."
Sometimes our meals seem to take hours. We use this time for lots of play, learning, talking, and

yes, some eating too.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

this picture made me laugh so hard my sides hurt

His other tooth finally broke through (in the corner) today after months!


This video doesn't show it too well but Elliot is kissing EVERYTHING. It's the best.

Mirror, Mirror...

This video is from about a month ago (right before Elliot's 1st birthday). He gets a kick out of mirrors, as I'm sure most babies his age do.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Almost 13 months!

We are having a ball! There is so much to write! Elliot is a one year old with places to go and people to see. He is so social and just loves to stare and smile at strangers. Today we went to the park and rode the train. It was great to have the wind in our hair. Elliot loves to study the pebbles and attempts to taste test them quite frequently. I am told he will grow out of this...I can't wait.
He is really doing a lot of mimicking and definitely has words for things. After saying "dog" correctly twice, he has decided on either, "daaaaaahhh" or "god." That makes me laugh. I was trying to get him to say the g and now he says it at the beginning instead of the end!
He gives kisses, which MELTS MY HEART. You ask for a kiss and if you're lucky you get one--sometimes a wet one.
I find he is much more accepting of things dealing with sleep. We have more routine--though that's not to be confused with a schedule. We do things routinely, but not at the same time. I wish we could have more of this "schedule" but for now we play things by ear. Planning ahead of time is unheard of.
Yesterday James and I were impersonating Ed McMahon (had to look up the spelling) by saying, "Hay, Ohhh!" And Elliot says "aaaaa ooooo!" It was awesome!
I know I won't remember everything he does so I must go into a bit of list mode in order to get it down.

He CLIMBS! The fireplace is no longer safe. He was playing quietly with toys (standing at the fireplace) and I look away for one second and he is almost IN the fireplace. Yep, better come up with something here to "baby proof" for a true adventurer.
At least he knows, "feet first." My friend told me this phrase and after about and hour of working with Elliot, he now turns himself around on his belly and puts his feet to the floor when getting off of things. It's brilliant! He can now go up and down stairs quite well--not that we'd leave him alone to take that adventure.
He carries around my small lotion jars and fills them with whatever will fit. Today he stuffed one with toilet paper and handed it to me. I swear, it was like he sculpted a work of art, I was so proud.
He loves people. He knows when the attention is on him and he basks in it.
He loves to feed his finger foods to other people--and dogs (which we put a stop to when we realized Linus was getting fed about half of Elliot's meal on the sly). Those two are still best friends. I think Linus would save Elliot from a burning building, Lassie style. They are truly a sight.
Elliot loves to talk to himself and when he gets in his crib at night, talks for about 10-15 minutes. It's as if he's telling a story or holding a conference with his stuffed animals.
Babo and Jeero are his two favorite little stuffed monsters. Elliot loves to kiss them and to hold them to your face to kiss too. He is holding them, one in each hand EVERY time I go in to get him. He plays with them, making them bounce and dance.
Something miraculous is that now Elliot gently pushes out of my arms after we've cuddled so he can GET INTO HIS CRIB!!!! What?! This is fantastic!
He is so independent too, wanting to get down and explore everything.
Water remains a favorite. He loves the tub and shower. I know this summer will be so much fun.
I look back at this time last year. Elliot was about 3 weeks old. His eyes were always blue, his hair had yet to curl. He was aware, but helpless. We were both adjusting to our new world. I feel so comfortable now. It's like I've known him all my life.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Elliot!

It's incredible what a life changing year we've had! James and I are beside ourselves! Elliot is a little man-child now! His one tooth up top makes him even cuter than he was before--if that's possible. I am constantly amazed, shocked, entertained, and moved to tears by this little person. He is joy personified. No, we are still not sleeping through the night, and naps are more of a fantasy in the minds of Mommy and Daddy (Mostly Mommy). BUT he is everything and more than we could ask for.
I know now what it means to be a parent, to love beyond yourself. I have learned more this year about caring for this individual than I have learned in the past 5 years of my life. We will continue to learn and to get our cues from Elliot.
He is such a social, funny, curious, and smart boy! I could list everything, but I won't. Instead, this video shows a baby and his first cake. The cake was of course an organic, "healthy" cake that was a bit more baby friendly than the adults would have preferred. Though they said they liked it:). It was my first cake from scratch! Those who know me know that there is only one way to get me to make anything from scratch...
My son. My one year old son. Happy Birthday Baby Boy.
P.S. Grandpa is one of Elliot's very favorite people--one of mine too!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Fitting Together

Lately Elliot has been really involved with the way things fit together. It's amazing to see a child make these connections. He is thrilled by it. Something as simple as a circle inside another circle can be worth hours of exploration. He's been finding numerous things to fit inside the tiny plastic lotion jar that you see in the video. He carries the jar around much of the day ready to test it.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Trying to get E to say "Dog"

So Elliot said dog twice and now mostly just calls the dogs, "dad, dud, or duhd."
Here you can see (with my coaxing) that he says it--but not nearly as clear as he has. It's funny when real words come out of your "baby's" mouth. It makes you realize how fast they're growing.
P.S. Does it shock anyone that his first real word (ie: connected with the correct object) is, DOG? Maybe he'll grow up and run a dog rescue and then his mama can save all the dogs in the world...
or maybe his next words will be, "mommy is thinking about my first word too hard"

He loves When I say "Fufi"


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

This is absolutely the happiest of New Year's Days! 2008 was full of challenge, surprise, and joy. I can't wait to see what the next year brings in terms of Elliot's growth.
I helped to teach 108 Suya Namaskars (sun salutations) at yoga today. It was fun to be in a room filled with so many people kicking off the year in such a healthy, energetic way. On my way home, James called and told me that Elliot had pretty much eaten his weight in food. He must have gained a pound! Picking him up is definitely harder these days and he is outgrowing lots of clothes.
He pulls to standing all the time. On me. On furniture. On the toilet (which we are trying to remedy--he LOVES the toilets). Over the Christmas holiday, he was standing at the coffee table at my parent's house where he let go, turned around, and repositioned himself on my legs (I was sitting behind him on a chair). The whole time he had a toy in his hand and was using only his ELBOW to stabilize himself on the table (in order to have more hands for inspecting the toy). He did the turn around twice--involving no hands and a couple of steps. He didn't seem to notice at all. It's like he has no fear. I'm hoping, as he grows we can cultivate a bit more "carefulness" to his movement.
Today I watched him carry a bucket (by the handle) and fill it with various things. Then, he'd take them out one by one, or dump them, and start over.
Watching him is my favorite thing to do--especially when he thinks I'm not paying attention. He will entertain himself as I clean, or prepare a meal. As long as he knows I'm in the room, he will make up a game of sorts and play for quite some time. I think this is phenomenal. Of course we play together all the time. But for Elliot, a child of 10.5 months, to create games and learn things on his own is priceless. Having a sense of independence and self-reliance is so important. I know that starts early.