Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Elliot is growing up fast! It's so wonderful to watch how deliberate his movements are--especially when they involve placing feet in mouth (his favorite thing to do)). Try putting a diaper on a baby who won't remove his toes from his mouth!
He is showing off more rolling skills. Also sitting with one or no hands (for brief periods). He squeals a high pitch squeal when he approves of things. His crinkled up nose smiles are the best--especially in the morning.
We've been going to the neighborhood pool and he loves it. He loves to splash and even more so, to watch the older kids playing. I can't believe he'll one day be those older kids! Ugh, let's not talk about that anymore, it makes my heart hurt!
Yesterday at the pool James was pulling Elliot through the water (on top of it) and Elliot was kicking like a little froggie. I know he'll be just like James in his love of the water. I enjoy the water--but I'm a land lover at heart :).
In just two days Elliot will be 5 months old! It's unreal how fast is truly goes by...

1 comment:

  1. let's not talk about the fact that they grow up! it just breaks my heart, too!
    but, my mom and all other experienced parents keep saying, every stage has really good stuff to look forward to.
    I don't know. How will I ever let go of this fuzzy, smiley, giggly baby stage???
