Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mommy's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers everywhere! It's wonderful to have a day to celebrate moms who work and love so hard. My heart is always more full these days than before we had Elliot in our lives. I feel so much more purpose and an overwhelming capacity to love.
We are officially weaned. It was tough for both Elliot and I--though I think I will miss that bond more than I ever thought I would when I began nursing. It is just so easy to be able to offer exactly what he needs and you know that it will do the trick! I will miss looking down at him like that--and him looking up. He is a toddling boy. We are off to adventures that this new phase will bring. And we are RUNNING to greet them... :)
**Above Elliot is just minutes old. His little foot is covered in ink ready to put his stamp on life.

1 comment:

  1. happy belated mom's day, my friend. it goes by too quickly. this post made me cry for some reason! I totally understand the passing the phase of little one looking up, of knowing exactly what they need and actually being able to offer it. life is really a series of weanings.
