Sunday, August 3, 2008


Elliot hates schedules. Mommy LOVES them and always has. God looked at Mommy and said, "Here you go (God hands ELliot to me) learn a lesson in giving up control...
Yes, Elliot is everything but predictable. There is no set nap time, nurse time, play time, etc. We just go with it. I TRY to get some semblance of a schedule and it goes kablooee pretty fast. I do still attempt these control efforts in the hope that as he gets older we'll know just a tad bit more when the best time to go out or have company over might be. Again, the key word here is, attempt.

1 comment:

  1. we are giving our boys lots of things to look back on and laugh at us for. over here it's also, "schedule shmedule! i wanna eat your necklace!"
