Saturday, December 27, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Almost Elliot's First Christmas!
Ahhhhhh...a 10 month old! What a joyful little person. He is the best gift I have ever received or given (to the family).
The videos below are from the last few weeks. They don't capture what he is doing as well as I would like--but they give you an idea. I am always too late with the camera. It's always turned on AFTER the steps are taken, AFTER the skill is no longer fun for Elliot to do anymore.
The one that I took of us laughing together is my favorite. I was holding the camera and trying to do the same thing that was making him laugh. Well, as you can see from the footage, I did a TERRIBLE job. SOoooo, it's more for the ears than the eyes. Is there anything better than a glee filled baby laugh?
Right now Elliot (or as I referred to him today, Ambassador Giggle Buttons) is standing at his favorite window sill holding an empty jar of my face lotion. He is babbling up a storm and periodically licking and moving his lips across the cold windows. It must feel good on his swollen gums that I think might be in the midst of producing a tooth or two.
Tomorrow we will head to see family--first to Richmond Texas and then to the Woodlands. Elliot has many eager Grandparents waiting to squeeze his little cheeks (probably both sets :).
I hope the trip isn't too traumatic for him as he HATES the car and does not think it a suitable place for sleep...but when you're Elliot, is any place suitable for anything other than play?
I'm sure we'll be fine and it will all be worth it. I can't wait to see him with everyone--it's impossible to wipe off a smile when he's around.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Elliot 9.5 months
Seems as though I have a little comedian on my hands! Elliot makes me laugh everyday--real laughter, sometimes from the belly. He knows he is funny. I am really enjoying this age. He is quite independent though there are times when he really takes to mommy--especially in the evenings or when he's tired. He has been such a social butterfly lately--he really enjoys new people and the games they make up!
I have been feeling truly blessed to be able to experience life through the eyes of a child. The simple things. Dogs. The wind. Apple Slices (to suck on). Soft blankets. Kisses. Clapping. Standing. Dancing. Peek-a-boo. Outside. Sticks. Pebbles. Toes. Fingers. Lights. Being held.
I hope someday soon I'll be able to write that I am getting lots of sleep--and maybe a nap or two--but until that day, I am enjoying the wakeful moments. :)
Things Elliot likes to do:
Wash hands and feet
be tossed
play with Mr. Blue
watch the dogs
pick grass
eat mushy cheerios
be upsidedown
watch mommy brush teeth
be on Daddy's shoulders
crawl very fast
Things Elliot says:
dot/that ?? still can't tell exactly (dat)
etc--you get the point.
He also says whole sentences of things I can't even repeat. It's baby language that us old fogies can't understand.
He fills my heart.
P.S. Elliot "clucks" and high fives! I've got to get a video. He actually puts his tongue on the roof of his mouth and creates suction, removes it, and CLUCK! It's too funny. He is turning the pages of all his books--which means we better read fast--cause that page has GOT to be turned!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Ol' blue eyes
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Wishy Washy
Elliot LOVES watching the clothes rotate in the washing machine. He must have some of his mother's genes...things getting clean is cause for excitement!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
YouTube Video Links
Click on the following two links to get to YouTube. These videos of Elliot and Linus were too large for this blog's video uploader.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Elliot 8.5 months
It's hard to find time to write when your "baby" is now a mobile thrill seeker. He is VERY mobile--fast and curious (dangerous combination). We just had Halloween and he wore his hand-made knight costume (complete with foam sword) that his "PK" (James' mom) made for him . We took him to the gathering at the front of our neighborhood. There was music, kids, and pizza! He was ADORABLE! The costume was a hit and I have to say that I am forever thankful that he has PK making them for the next few years or else we'd be in trouble! I will post more pix when I take more of him. He was so tired by the time the party started that he did NOT want to wear anything but a diaper--plus, it was very hot that night.
These days Elliot still usually only takes one nap and possibly one for about 30mins in the afternoon. Today the afternoon nap was 3 minutes. It used to get to me a lot more. Now I just roll with it. He is who he is--and although I'd LOVE more sleep for both of us--he's doing his best.
He is pulling up on things now more and more. Getting a few more bumps as he learns how to maneuver his body and the landscape of our home. He loves being outside. We spend a lot of time there--especially since Daddy has been re-doing the flower beds out front (pix to come). I am so proud of James. The yard looks fantastic and artful! It's so zen. It's like the yard I always wanted. It now looks like OUR HOME from the front of the house. Again, when it's done I'll post more pictures. Elliot loves to watch daddy from the pack-n-play. He plays with his toys and babbles and tells Daddy where he missed a spot pruning.
On to some other things:
I always read stories of "...a boy and his dog..." and I never knew quite what that was until now. Yes, even at 8.5 months, I can see that Elliot and Linus are kindred souls. Lebowski, the older, more refined and wiser of the two dogs, also enjoys Elliot--sniffing, watching, holding back the earge to lick--but it's not the sheer LOVE that Linus has.
A short background: Linus is a nutcase. He will be a puppy until the day he dies. He will break a leg if it means chasing a ball for hours. He is quite hyper with the right stimulus. Also, he is sweet--and the best dog to cuddle with. He cares not if he is on a hard floor or a very uncomfortable position, if it means being next to you. This reaches an entirely different level with Elliot. He is drugged by Elliot's presence. He gets beat up and torn apart by the little monster E, but takes it and asks for more..."please," his eyes beg... "rip more of my hair out."
Yesterday James and I were playing with Elliot and Linus walked over. My exact words were, "watch it, Elliot just ripped Linus' eyeball out." We laughed and laughed because seriously, that's not far from the truth. We're constantly protecting LINUS, from Elliot. Lately though, Elliot has been more gentle, finally getting some understanding of his actions.
What I do during my days:
Nurse, clean, teach Elliot things, Play, sign language, clean, COOK, make baby food, email, clean, do organization projects, nurse, teach Elliot, go for walks, nurse, go to the store, take pics of Elliot, take videos of Elliot, Bathe Elliot, clean, COOK...nurse
I have cooking in caps because I am doing it more often and I am proud of myself. It takes time.
The constant cleaning comes from owning two black labs who don't shed per say, but rather walk around with hair literally shooting from their folicles, covering every inch of the house in a thick blanket of black hair. The floor looks like a giant tribute to Wayne Newton.
Now, I could let this go a bit before. But now that Elliot crawls, he gets clothed in the hair. It is so bad that I have to change him before we go out or else someone might call child protective services for fear he's been living among wolves.
So I've not had much time for myself away from the home. I'm looking forward to getting back into some yoga. I had done it for awhile (besides teaching) but got lost in being a mom and then we got sick (a virus that has hung on with an unbelievable grip) and then Elliot decided NOT to take a bottle for 7 days. We're back to normal now. I think that he was just feeling bad and just like anyone, when you're sick you want all the comforts you can find--Mommy is a big comfort, even though Elliot loves Daddy, Daddy has no boobs.
A few things that Elliot does recently:
He will follow a voice to find you. He will crawl out of a room, play by himself (I am watching but he is unaware) and then crawl back to the room you are in with a big smile as if to say, "I'm BAaaaaack!" He is a very loving creature. He is as attached as he is independent. I am so proud of this balance. I have to much faith in who he is and who he will become. He is joy personified.
He will chase you in the walker and on all fours. He can even be across the house in the walker and you can call to him and he'll come running!
It's such a joy to say, "okay, Elliot, let's go Baby!" and he'll follow you, crawling at your feet.
Oh--and about 20 times a day he crawls to my feet, pulls to his knees on my leg and begins to nurse my shin or knee cap. I'm still not sure if he really wants to eat or this is just fun for him...
When I put him on to nurse it's often short lived...until the next time he gets a mouthful of my jeans...then we do it all over again.
Oh--and he loves to be UNDER things. This is scary... "WHERE'S ELLIOT?!" I've said before after looking away for .5 seconds, only to find him under the end table next to the couch. He sits there looking out from his little hut, his eyes bright, waiting for me.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Almost 8 months
Elliot is growing up. He's getting daddy's curls! He is so smart--really, really smart. A little man. I can't get much past him. He is the love of my life. He is not an "easy" baby in many ways. Sleep remains an issue--naps mostly. He is up most of a 12 hour day, and still nurses at night. I know that as much as nursing is taxing--and a struggle for us sometimes--I will miss having him so close. My little doll baby looking like a little boy.
He speed crawls. He pulls up to his knees and puts one foot down to come to standing. He is far from that I think--but he's getting the idea. His curiosity renews me and my love for the smaller things in life.
The dogs remain a favorite. The toothbrush, running water, and mangoes are also big hits. He is my walking buddy. Today babbling throughout our entire walk--making a new noise that sounds like squishing bubbles inside his tiny mouth.
He does a "bashful" move where he'll quickly turn his face into my chest--smiling, playing coy. I adore this.
One day when he is older--when he has a child of his own--he will know how much I love him. And as difficult as motherhood can be sometimes--I miss him when he sleeps.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Four legged loves
Here's to the dogs. The dogs that were our "babies" until our babies became our babies. My dear friend Ravyn just lost her sweet "Fiver." Ravyn is a new mama too--her son, Sufyan is just 5 days older than Elliot. Sufyan walks--by the way. Anyhow, I take this moment to send love to all the doggies who bring, and have brought so much love, warmth, and companionship to the lives of their owners. My heart goes out to Ravyn and her family.
Here is a pic of my two mutts, Linus and Lebowski. They are wonderful and trouble all in one. They do LOVE Elliot though, and that makes me think the world of them. They have accepted him completely. Today Elliot ripped out clumps of Linus hair and pounded on his chest. Linus looked almost drugged with love--not wincing once as this little "pup" Elliot wreaked havoc on him. He lay there, soaking up all the screeching and beating as if it were music and massage.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
So we didn't get his best crawling on video--of course--but here is a sample of some of his moves. He's working on it. Funny that he won't crawl towards Mom or Dad, but stick a two dollar wooden vase on the floor and watch him go! He'll also crawl toward a "Crock" shoe or a dog. He is motivated only by things other than cheering parents :)
Friday, September 19, 2008
possible hyperventilation (Mom, not baby)
Elliot has a new trick full of fast breathing, a scrunched up nose, and some snorts. He now does it all day long. It is usually intermixed with some high pitched squeals, and some "ba ba ma ma."
We've decided not to encourage it anymore for fear he's going to get really light headed. He can go on some long stints of it without a real breath. He thinks it's the best thing since pureed pears.
We've decided not to encourage it anymore for fear he's going to get really light headed. He can go on some long stints of it without a real breath. He thinks it's the best thing since pureed pears.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
My boys
Okay, so it's not exactly Michael Phelps, but I gotta hand it to the kiddo, he was much more willing to get into the water than mom. The water happened to be cooler than bath temperature, so I had to ease in a toe at a time!
He seemed to enjoy devouring the cloth toy more than the pool--though he does like to splash. Apparently he prefers the big kid pool that not only has a deep end to kick in, but also BIG KIDS, which are mesmerizing.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Elliot chillin' in the swing
Elliot is pretty chilled out in the swing. We don't put him here often as he doesn't love it like many babies seem to. I remember thinking how I'd have a baby that would just fall asleep to the nice rocking motion. Instead I got a kid who rock's out and causes commotion!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
More Elliot on YouTube
I have yet to figure out how to upload the larger files (longer videos) to this blog so for now there are two more on YouTube:
Monday, September 8, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
He's up!
Yes, Elliot can push himself easily to all fours and rock all day long. Forget sleeping, this is like winning the lottery! He can now sit completely unassisted as well-what a big boy! It's wonderful, bittersweet too, to say goodbye to the little helpless creature who needed help even to hold his little noggin up, and say hello to our independent ball of energy!
He got onto all fours at least 100 times yesterday and hasn't stopped since. I'll try to get the video up here tomorrow.
Now, off to try to sleep...
He got onto all fours at least 100 times yesterday and hasn't stopped since. I'll try to get the video up here tomorrow.
Now, off to try to sleep...
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I am officially 29 today. There's a novel I could write on all that is good and all that is not so good.
Elliot=good. The best thing I've ever done, good.
Me=not feeling so good...nothing new, just that I feel worse.
Elliot is babbling more and more and I just love it! Also, very adept at grabbing and ripping your face off--or boob. OUCHY! Looks like crawling won't be too far off...oh my!
I think this kid is just so unique in his random lifestyle. As I wrote before, he does NOTHING on a schedule--he really never does anything at the same time he's done it before! He likes to keep me guessing. He wakes at every hour of the night still--despite what all the books tell me.
It's so funny for me to hear other mothers refer to things like, "the 2am feeding," or "the 3pm nap."
Right now Elliot is in his new walker looking at me and making his "gobble" face movements. He gobbles now. Adorable.
He also takes time to look up to see what is happening on the never know.
He's smiling at me every time I look over to him and he knows that if he squeals I'll stop to laugh at him. I can already see the little attention seeker evolving.
He lives to make me laugh, I live to make him laugh.
I can see now that he is already a specific personality. I give a whole lot of credit to the "nurture" part of things, but I've got to say, "nature" has already played a huge part.
I have to keep looking at him as he speaks to me in grunts, squeals, and babbles--I stare at him, smile and tell him, "now you little one, you are special."
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Our little Banker
When Elliot was just 8 weeks old, my funny and off the wall sense of humor brother started to call Elliot the "Banker."
My sweet husband didn't like this much and told me later that Elliot "did NOT" look like a banker.
..whatever a banker looks like... :)
Anyhow, here Elliot is in a Polo shirt from his Great Aunt Carolyn.
Can we say, "banker?"
Whoa there tiger!
Can we say new skills?! As of late Elliot is strong like bull! He is a little crawdad. He pushes himself backwards to get his knees under him. When he does this we slip our hand under his belly and he rocks back and forth in fast forward--he is thrilled to do this, his little heart pounding and screams of joy.
He sits rather well, I'm shocked at how good he is at it and at correcting himself when he's about to fall. He loves to be standing--if only to jump :) I think walking is far in the future as his platform (feet) are like little china doll feet. He has nothing to balance on!
He is still unpredictable though I am much better at reading his signs. I know what tired is. I know what hungry is. I know happy, bored, frustrated.
He has been making the "Maaaamaaaaa" sounds and although I'd love to think he was calling me "Mama" I know that it's less that and more so that he is hungry. In a way he is calling for me as I am the one who has the food.
A bit on that note:
We are still struggling with nursing even at close to 6 months. The past two weeks have been awful. He gets so much gas in the form of burps that he can't eat. Every time I burp him he cries and fusses and tries to latch back on only to pull right off, as who can eat with a tummy full of air? It just kills me. The burps are so big and deep and numerous. Also, more spit up lately.
I have been completely off dairy for months and now it looks like we've got to keep digging for the answer...what am I eating that's bothering Elliot's tummy?
I am so frustrated. Nursing takes FOREVER as I try to get enough milk into him. When he's not writhing with gas he's too fascinated with EVERYTHING in the room to be able to focus on eating. I literally have to go into a dark room and cover up anything of interest. Even a glass of water is too cool for Elliot to miss. It needs exploring.
I am in a tough spot too as Elliot could not be more captivated by food and what goes into Mommy and Daddy's mouths. He KNOWS. I want to start solids because I feel I have no choice. That kid wants to eat our food more than anything else on earth. I can't eat anything around him or he grabs and fusses to get to it. Gone are the mornings of my organic waffles and tea...sigh...
What some people don't realize is that if a baby already has a reaction to breastmilk (ie: what the mother is eating) than when solids are introduced, this reaction might well become much worse as the child is already susceptible to food sensitivities. SOooooo...the problem can get much worse and cause all kinds of rashes, more gas, more discomfort, more frustration for baby and mama.
James and I are going to do what we've been trying to avoid--baby blood test for food sensitivities. Ugh. Maybe it will give us a place to start.
So on to sleep:
What sleep? Well, Elliot is getting better at naps and worse at nighttime sleep. There is no linear pattern to his progress. Last night he woke after 2 hours and then after another 4 1/2. Then he only slept 1.5 hours from 3:30 to 7:15. That whole time he was babbling and rolling and Mommy was listening to the monitor. We are tired.
He wakes almost everyday in the 5's. Yes, in the 5 AM hour. He sometimes goes to the six's, and RARELY the 7's. He only sleeps later if he's been up for many hours in the middle of the night.
For all of the marks I was looking forward to, the 6 month mark was the one I was most excited about. Many babies begin to sleep through the night at this point due to a more mature nervous system and a burst of melatonin much like they had when they were first born. Well, it's 8 days until 6 months...and melatonin has yet to rear it's beautiful head.
Oh, just something cute I thought I'd mention in relation to the "talking" I wrote of earlier: James has been working with Elliot for months on saying, "Daaadaaaa," I have also helped him learn to say "Dada." I haven't worked much, if at all on "Maaamaaa" and it came first. Even though it just means "hungry" to Elliot--it doesn't hurt to hear it...and you know, I deserve it. ;)
He sits rather well, I'm shocked at how good he is at it and at correcting himself when he's about to fall. He loves to be standing--if only to jump :) I think walking is far in the future as his platform (feet) are like little china doll feet. He has nothing to balance on!
He is still unpredictable though I am much better at reading his signs. I know what tired is. I know what hungry is. I know happy, bored, frustrated.
He has been making the "Maaaamaaaaa" sounds and although I'd love to think he was calling me "Mama" I know that it's less that and more so that he is hungry. In a way he is calling for me as I am the one who has the food.
A bit on that note:
We are still struggling with nursing even at close to 6 months. The past two weeks have been awful. He gets so much gas in the form of burps that he can't eat. Every time I burp him he cries and fusses and tries to latch back on only to pull right off, as who can eat with a tummy full of air? It just kills me. The burps are so big and deep and numerous. Also, more spit up lately.
I have been completely off dairy for months and now it looks like we've got to keep digging for the answer...what am I eating that's bothering Elliot's tummy?
I am so frustrated. Nursing takes FOREVER as I try to get enough milk into him. When he's not writhing with gas he's too fascinated with EVERYTHING in the room to be able to focus on eating. I literally have to go into a dark room and cover up anything of interest. Even a glass of water is too cool for Elliot to miss. It needs exploring.
I am in a tough spot too as Elliot could not be more captivated by food and what goes into Mommy and Daddy's mouths. He KNOWS. I want to start solids because I feel I have no choice. That kid wants to eat our food more than anything else on earth. I can't eat anything around him or he grabs and fusses to get to it. Gone are the mornings of my organic waffles and tea...sigh...
What some people don't realize is that if a baby already has a reaction to breastmilk (ie: what the mother is eating) than when solids are introduced, this reaction might well become much worse as the child is already susceptible to food sensitivities. SOooooo...the problem can get much worse and cause all kinds of rashes, more gas, more discomfort, more frustration for baby and mama.
James and I are going to do what we've been trying to avoid--baby blood test for food sensitivities. Ugh. Maybe it will give us a place to start.
So on to sleep:
What sleep? Well, Elliot is getting better at naps and worse at nighttime sleep. There is no linear pattern to his progress. Last night he woke after 2 hours and then after another 4 1/2. Then he only slept 1.5 hours from 3:30 to 7:15. That whole time he was babbling and rolling and Mommy was listening to the monitor. We are tired.
He wakes almost everyday in the 5's. Yes, in the 5 AM hour. He sometimes goes to the six's, and RARELY the 7's. He only sleeps later if he's been up for many hours in the middle of the night.
For all of the marks I was looking forward to, the 6 month mark was the one I was most excited about. Many babies begin to sleep through the night at this point due to a more mature nervous system and a burst of melatonin much like they had when they were first born. Well, it's 8 days until 6 months...and melatonin has yet to rear it's beautiful head.
Oh, just something cute I thought I'd mention in relation to the "talking" I wrote of earlier: James has been working with Elliot for months on saying, "Daaadaaaa," I have also helped him learn to say "Dada." I haven't worked much, if at all on "Maaamaaa" and it came first. Even though it just means "hungry" to Elliot--it doesn't hurt to hear it...and you know, I deserve it. ;)
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Elliot hates schedules. Mommy LOVES them and always has. God looked at Mommy and said, "Here you go (God hands ELliot to me) learn a lesson in giving up control...
Yes, Elliot is everything but predictable. There is no set nap time, nurse time, play time, etc. We just go with it. I TRY to get some semblance of a schedule and it goes kablooee pretty fast. I do still attempt these control efforts in the hope that as he gets older we'll know just a tad bit more when the best time to go out or have company over might be. Again, the key word here is, attempt.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Ok--so much to say. Elliot is so smart. He is an everything in is mouth baby now. I used to pump while he was nursing--no more. He goes for the pump, pump bottle, and hose as if it were baby crack.
Excuse the crudeness here but other things that are "baby crack" are as follows:
FEET ( is there anything better?)
The new wooden rattle
The Dogs --Especially Linus--we have two black lab mixes who Elliot thinks are hysterical! And they love and protect him. Linus will put up with all sorts of high pitched screams and hair pulling just to be with Elliot. Sometimes dogs just know...
Kisses on the face
Daddy's songs
Mommy's songs
Having mommy blow in his face--yes, you'd think he wouldn't enjoy this but he adores it.
He is sitting rather well and rolling like a rolling pin. He is definitely more aware of when mommy or Daddy leaves the room. If he is in the swing and we leave just for a second, he is obviously not thrilled.
He does fuss more because he can tell us now what he is into and not so into.
I keep reminding myself to stay present--to soak in each moment (even in the middle of the night). He will not be a baby forever. It's hard to imagine. It's more and more real when I see how he's progressing.
As a parent you finally understand the LOVE of a parent the capacity for that love. The fact that your child is EVERYTHING to you and that you would put them before you in a heartbeat.
On another note: ELLIOT IS SO STRONG!
He will reach out and literally RIP YOUR FACE OFF! Watch out. At first you think, "oh, how cute, he's reaching for my lip...and then you're crying.
He's recently been chomping down REALLY hard while nursing. A few of these bites have sent me screaming and frightening him. I have to reassure him I'm fine--but tell him to be gentle because it hurts mommy. I find I'm scared of nursing now because this is happening so often. The jaw is very, very strong I am here to tell you.
I am feeling pretty bad physically. Not getting into it here, but all the issues I had before are now very much more pronounced. It is tough. My doc thinks much will get a bit better when I wean as more nutrition will come my way (as opposed to into my breast milk) and I might get more sleep. I am in no rush to wean. I want what Elliot wants.
Soooo...a quick note on sleep. Elliot is learning and getting a bit better. He seems to have a better understanding that sleep is what is supposed to be happening at certain times. I will take all improvements and be glad that they are coming--nomatter how slowly.
I freakin' love this kid.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Elliot is growing up fast! It's so wonderful to watch how deliberate his movements are--especially when they involve placing feet in mouth (his favorite thing to do)). Try putting a diaper on a baby who won't remove his toes from his mouth!
He is showing off more rolling skills. Also sitting with one or no hands (for brief periods). He squeals a high pitch squeal when he approves of things. His crinkled up nose smiles are the best--especially in the morning.
We've been going to the neighborhood pool and he loves it. He loves to splash and even more so, to watch the older kids playing. I can't believe he'll one day be those older kids! Ugh, let's not talk about that anymore, it makes my heart hurt!
Yesterday at the pool James was pulling Elliot through the water (on top of it) and Elliot was kicking like a little froggie. I know he'll be just like James in his love of the water. I enjoy the water--but I'm a land lover at heart :).
In just two days Elliot will be 5 months old! It's unreal how fast is truly goes by...
He is showing off more rolling skills. Also sitting with one or no hands (for brief periods). He squeals a high pitch squeal when he approves of things. His crinkled up nose smiles are the best--especially in the morning.
We've been going to the neighborhood pool and he loves it. He loves to splash and even more so, to watch the older kids playing. I can't believe he'll one day be those older kids! Ugh, let's not talk about that anymore, it makes my heart hurt!
Yesterday at the pool James was pulling Elliot through the water (on top of it) and Elliot was kicking like a little froggie. I know he'll be just like James in his love of the water. I enjoy the water--but I'm a land lover at heart :).
In just two days Elliot will be 5 months old! It's unreal how fast is truly goes by...
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Rough and Tumble and the Good stuff
All I want to say about the sleep thing is that it is still quite rough. We have our good times, but much of it is a struggle. Ahhhh...sleep. I am obsessed with the thought of it. Elliot and I both need it.
Elliot is a fabulous little creature. He can sit up much better now (using his arms for support). He sometimes lifts one off the floor and he looks like he's riding a bull! It's too funny!
He can roll both ways now, but we don't see the roll from the back to the belly that often--he likes to do it in his crib or when we look away for a brief second.
He is a thumb sucker-which is nice because he'll never loose it like he might a pacifier.
He is the best to wake up to in the morning. I come in and say "good morning baby!" as I open the blinds. He lifts up on his arms (as he's rolled to his belly by now) and he smiles a HUGE smile. I kiss him all over his face and he squeals with glee. Then we change and play.
I love him too much for words and I can't wait to see what new things he'll do each day.
Elliot is a fabulous little creature. He can sit up much better now (using his arms for support). He sometimes lifts one off the floor and he looks like he's riding a bull! It's too funny!
He can roll both ways now, but we don't see the roll from the back to the belly that often--he likes to do it in his crib or when we look away for a brief second.
He is a thumb sucker-which is nice because he'll never loose it like he might a pacifier.
He is the best to wake up to in the morning. I come in and say "good morning baby!" as I open the blinds. He lifts up on his arms (as he's rolled to his belly by now) and he smiles a HUGE smile. I kiss him all over his face and he squeals with glee. Then we change and play.
I love him too much for words and I can't wait to see what new things he'll do each day.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
I am truly amazed at a mother's ability to stay awake and care for her young despite what is some of the most baffling sleep deprivation. I love my little guy so much. Hope we'll figure this sleep thing out soon.
On another note, Elliot continues to amaze me. He is so much fun and so trusting. On one hand I can't believe how much time has past and on another, this all seems like a blip.
His new favorite game is where I raise both his arms and kiss his tiny triceps and armpits! He squeals with glee and laughs big belly laughs! That is SO FULFILLING! It takes my breath away.
On another note, Elliot continues to amaze me. He is so much fun and so trusting. On one hand I can't believe how much time has past and on another, this all seems like a blip.
His new favorite game is where I raise both his arms and kiss his tiny triceps and armpits! He squeals with glee and laughs big belly laughs! That is SO FULFILLING! It takes my breath away.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sleep, sitting, and storms
I promise to stop writing about sleep related things soon! It's just that there is a lot going on in that area.
Last night Elliot woke up more times than ANY other night since his birth! I am still wondering why. I am bleary eyed and he isn't well rested either. When babies learn new things they're sleep is interrupted. He did recently learn to sit if we prop his arms beside him. It is SO cute! I have pictures but our camera is BROKEN! I am on a mission to get it fixed.
Anyhow, Elliot sits (supported by his arms to his sides and slightly forward on the floor). If he wobbles, he is getting very good at correcting and not falling over. When he does fall (on the soft pad we play on) he spreads his arms and legs out wide and stops moving, eyes wide. He looks like he's about to make a snow angel. He laughs too--it is pretty funny. But I don't think this new trick is the reason for the lack of sleep.
We were up every 1-2 hours. There was a huge storm with lots of thunder. I thought of all the other mothers in town thinking about their child's sleep as the thunder shook the houses. I was up for the entire storm even though shockingly Elliot slept through it. I think he woke the minute it stopped raining!
I don't see any teeth yet, but he seems even more interested in his mouth (is that possible?) Maybe his gums are a bit more red--though that might just be due to his putting his fingers all over them.
I don't know my name anymore I'm so tired. Only young Elliot is cute enough to make me smile when I have sleep induced vertigo!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Sleep continued...
So the sleeping thing is still working in that when we put Elliot down to sleep, he is calm and quiet and happy. Sometimes he just scoots and rolls around, making tiny noises, and then falling asleep (IT'S MIRACULOUS)!
Sometimes he just lays like a sack of potatoes, and just drifts off there. I just want to stay and watch him sleep because it is all new to me not to have him wriggling and fussing to be picked up.
What has been happening the past two nights is that he is waking every 2-3 hours to nurse. I have no problem with this other than my severe sleep deprivation making me very groggy, and I wonder why he is waking so often. No teeth, no fever, no dirty diaper, no growth spurt.
The good news remains though--even if he wakes to nurse, after he eats and gets a five minute walk on Mommy's shoulder--he peacefully goes back in his crib to sleep. **note about the crib: Our plan when he was born was for Elliot to co-sleep. All of us got ZERO sleep this way and James was afraid for rolling over on Elliot. We transitioned him to a cradle right next to my side of the bed (as if connected). He was here for over 3 months and that worked well until he became so aware of mom that each time I moved, he'd wake. He was getting no sleep. I was afraid of his development due to lack of sleep. With my mom's help, we transitioned him to a crib and me sleeping on the floor next to it. Now I am in the room next to his. He gets more sleep in his own space than any other option we tried. He is not awakened by mom, dad, or dogs. He loves his room and crib. He will play quietly in it and seems so independent as he does.
Anyhow, I am hoping for more consecutive hours of sleep again soon. But I'll continue to wake as often as that little angel needs me--even if that means walking smack-dab into a closed door on my way to get him! I have the bump on my eye to prove that I am not all there at Elliot's night time wakings (at least the first 15 seconds).
I can't say enough how much I am enjoying this little life. He is so aware and has such a distinct personality that I can't imagine how wonderful it will be as he continues to become who he will be. Already I know he is happy, strong willed, playful, curious, smart, strong, and FUNNY! He makes us laugh and seems to understand that he has the ability to do this.
Sometimes he just lays like a sack of potatoes, and just drifts off there. I just want to stay and watch him sleep because it is all new to me not to have him wriggling and fussing to be picked up.
What has been happening the past two nights is that he is waking every 2-3 hours to nurse. I have no problem with this other than my severe sleep deprivation making me very groggy, and I wonder why he is waking so often. No teeth, no fever, no dirty diaper, no growth spurt.
The good news remains though--even if he wakes to nurse, after he eats and gets a five minute walk on Mommy's shoulder--he peacefully goes back in his crib to sleep. **note about the crib: Our plan when he was born was for Elliot to co-sleep. All of us got ZERO sleep this way and James was afraid for rolling over on Elliot. We transitioned him to a cradle right next to my side of the bed (as if connected). He was here for over 3 months and that worked well until he became so aware of mom that each time I moved, he'd wake. He was getting no sleep. I was afraid of his development due to lack of sleep. With my mom's help, we transitioned him to a crib and me sleeping on the floor next to it. Now I am in the room next to his. He gets more sleep in his own space than any other option we tried. He is not awakened by mom, dad, or dogs. He loves his room and crib. He will play quietly in it and seems so independent as he does.
Anyhow, I am hoping for more consecutive hours of sleep again soon. But I'll continue to wake as often as that little angel needs me--even if that means walking smack-dab into a closed door on my way to get him! I have the bump on my eye to prove that I am not all there at Elliot's night time wakings (at least the first 15 seconds).
I can't say enough how much I am enjoying this little life. He is so aware and has such a distinct personality that I can't imagine how wonderful it will be as he continues to become who he will be. Already I know he is happy, strong willed, playful, curious, smart, strong, and FUNNY! He makes us laugh and seems to understand that he has the ability to do this.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Most moms told me to put Elliot in the car, drive around and he'll go to sleep. We tried this--he sleeps about 15 minutes and then he's up again...seemingly rested! He just gets more overtired with these cat naps (kitten naps really).
Other moms said to put him in the swing. So in the swing he went...and went...and went...
Eyes wide open, giggles, then fussing. No sleep. To this day he has fallen asleep ONCE in the swing.
No, he does not sleep in the stroller either, if that's what you were thinking next. :)
He will fall asleep in the front carrier I wear (which I love and can be sized to fit both James and I) called a Pikkolo. Oh but just try to take it off without him waking!
Long story short, Elliot falls asleep on warm bodies--especially on the boob (which only Mama can provide).
I believe I have not just one, but possibly two spine issues. Both James and I have broken backs and shoulders. My feet feel like they've been crushed. But you see, we'd do ANYTHING to get Elliot to sleep. Most of the time that took HOURS. Yes, there is an "s" at the end of "hour."
We recently began letting Elliot learn a bit more on his own how to self sooth and fall asleep. He has taken to it so well I am in complete shock. The past two nights, after his nighttime routine of a PJ change, a light show, music, a book, and nursing, we put him down in his crib (AWAKE) and he went to sleep with not a peep! He literally was like, "hey, thanks for the story and the meal, see you in 7 hours!"
Today, the nap went the same way. He just KNOWS how to fall asleep, and he seems to be enjoying it. All around he is much happier. I know he'll be healthier as well.
Now if only I could peel myself away from the monitor and get some sleep too...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Catching up on an incredible 4 months!
Little Elliot can smile and laugh like a little boy now. He seems so much older than he is. He loves his hands and feet--both finding his mouth whenever possible. He wears theses little "shoe socks" that look like shoes (laces and all) but are soft socks. He's almost too cute to handle.
Things we call him:
Precious Pea
Mr. Baby
Big Boy
Mr. Fussy-fuss (not often :)
Mr. Poopy Britches
Things he loves:
Kisses all over
Being in the backyard--it calms even the grumpiest Elliot
Rolling over
Playing on Ma Mamaw's quilt
Story time
going to the mailbox
All his grandparents
Playing "Squeeze the Baby!"
Getting lotioned
Getting his hair brushed with the yellow brush
His glow worm
Baby Einstein
The changing table
The Doggies
Fighting sleep
Grabbing Mommy and Daddy's faces
Things Elliot dislikes:
Going to sleep
Mommy sneezing
Notice that the list of "Likes" is much longer. He is such a lovely PERSON. Now that we can see more of his personality he's proving to be such a sweetheart. He is so happy (when the gas isn't bothering him) and so smart! His facial expressions are changing and they tell us more.
A note about the gas:
Normally, gas is calmed by 4 months. Elliot seems to be having more trouble with gas and reflux. We saw the pediatrician and we're pursuing an anti-food allergy route. So that means this Mama is off ALL dairy. For those of you who haven't tried to eliminate dairy from your diet--note that dairy is in EVERYTHING! It is difficult, but probably really good for me anyhow. I am not a fan of dairy for it's mucus forming properties (casein) among other things, so it will be great to be off of it and see how I feel too. I always decreased the amount I took in, but cheese is SOOOOO good! I've never had such motivation to be off of it. Only Elliot could provide me with that.
We'll wait to see what the doc tells us about his poo sample...yes, that means I collected Elliot poo and brought it to the doc. Not too gross when you're life revolves around baby poop. :)
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Hello World!
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