Little Elliot can smile and laugh like a little boy now. He seems so much older than he is. He loves his hands and feet--both finding his mouth whenever possible. He wears theses little "shoe socks" that look like shoes (laces and all) but are soft socks. He's almost too cute to handle.
Things we call him:
Precious Pea
Mr. Baby
Big Boy
Mr. Fussy-fuss (not often :)
Mr. Poopy Britches
Things he loves:
Kisses all over
Being in the backyard--it calms even the grumpiest Elliot
Rolling over
Playing on Ma Mamaw's quilt
Story time
going to the mailbox
All his grandparents
Playing "Squeeze the Baby!"
Getting lotioned
Getting his hair brushed with the yellow brush
His glow worm
Baby Einstein
The changing table
The Doggies
Fighting sleep
Grabbing Mommy and Daddy's faces
Things Elliot dislikes:
Going to sleep
Mommy sneezing
Notice that the list of "Likes" is much longer. He is such a lovely PERSON. Now that we can see more of his personality he's proving to be such a sweetheart. He is so happy (when the gas isn't bothering him) and so smart! His facial expressions are changing and they tell us more.
A note about the gas:
Normally, gas is calmed by 4 months. Elliot seems to be having more trouble with gas and reflux. We saw the pediatrician and we're pursuing an anti-food allergy route. So that means this Mama is off ALL dairy. For those of you who haven't tried to eliminate dairy from your diet--note that dairy is in EVERYTHING! It is difficult, but probably really good for me anyhow. I am not a fan of dairy for it's mucus forming properties (casein) among other things, so it will be great to be off of it and see how I feel too. I always decreased the amount I took in, but cheese is SOOOOO good! I've never had such motivation to be off of it. Only Elliot could provide me with that.
We'll wait to see what the doc tells us about his poo sample...yes, that means I collected Elliot poo and brought it to the doc. Not too gross when you're life revolves around baby poop. :)
I am so glad you are doing this blog thing! I love hearing about your exploits in babydom. Good luck with the dairy thing... It is in everything! Everything that tastes good, that is!