I am officially 29 today. There's a novel I could write on all that is good and all that is not so good.
Elliot=good. The best thing I've ever done, good.
Me=not feeling so good...nothing new, just that I feel worse.
Elliot is babbling more and more and I just love it! Also, very adept at grabbing and ripping your face off--or boob. OUCHY! Looks like crawling won't be too far off...oh my!
I think this kid is just so unique in his random lifestyle. As I wrote before, he does NOTHING on a schedule--he really never does anything at the same time he's done it before! He likes to keep me guessing. He wakes at every hour of the night still--despite what all the books tell me.
It's so funny for me to hear other mothers refer to things like, "the 2am feeding," or "the 3pm nap."
Right now Elliot is in his new walker looking at me and making his "gobble" face movements. He gobbles now. Adorable.
He also takes time to look up to see what is happening on the ceiling...you never know.
He's smiling at me every time I look over to him and he knows that if he squeals I'll stop to laugh at him. I can already see the little attention seeker evolving.
He lives to make me laugh, I live to make him laugh.
I can see now that he is already a specific personality. I give a whole lot of credit to the "nurture" part of things, but I've got to say, "nature" has already played a huge part.
I have to keep looking at him as he speaks to me in grunts, squeals, and babbles--I stare at him, smile and tell him, "now you little one, you are special."
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