The overwhelming feeling these days is that we are so lucky and so blessed to have this amazing kid. I actually can't believe how easy he is--how sweet, charming, connected, and well-adjusted he is in so many (even tough) situations.
I have grown an extra heart inside my chest.
Yesterday as Elliot and I were upstairs, he called down the stairs (which have a turn in them near the bottom to take you downstairs). He called out to daddy to come up and help us bring some things down.
After he called out to daddy, he looked at me and said,
" Your voice lines have to bend to get to the other person's ears."
yowzers if that isn't completely correct!
Once when he was newly 3, he came to me as I was getting ready for the day and told me that I had left (the night before) a chocolate bar out on the end table next to the couch.
He told me, "Mama, you left your chocolate out so I put it on the island, high up where the dogs can't get it."
I told him how happy that made me (literally, it was a whole bar of DARK chocolate) that the dogs wouldn't get sick now from eating.
Then I asked him, "and did you eat any of it?"
To which he said, "no Mama."
I told him how he had done the right thing and I was so proud, then we promptly marched out to the kitchen where I gave him a piece of that chocolate! :)
Thanks to my 3 year old I didn't have a huge vet bill that day!
Big words:
Elliot opts for the "big words" and coming from his little mouth with his high-pitched voice, it's awfully cute. Some of them I can recall right now:
There are more, but they have left my brain for the moment. Sometimes James and I refer to him as "Rainman" as he has a child's outlook but a super-smart mind!
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