I always check on E before I go to bed. It's more for me than him...I love to watch his sweet little sleeping face and body.
Last night I went in and was too loud--accidentally waking him up...barely.
E rustled around and re-situated. Then, in a teeny-tiny voice he said what I thought was
"giz wibs"
-what honey?
"gis wips"
-what sweetheart?
He lifts his little body onto his forearms and his tired head bobbles, unstable as he locks eyes with me and says,
"kiss lips, Mama. Kiss lips."
I am a pile of mush.
You bet I gave that angel a big smooch-er-00.
Is there a sweeter being on earth who when awakened in the middle of slumber has one request and that is to kiss lips?
He is such a lover. I am beside myself once again.
Just stumbled across your blog - how cute is this post!! Thanks for sharing, have a great day! :)