I have not posted for some time--n0t because Elliot isn't doing anything blog-worthy, but because we are having video/computer issues that are preventing uploading the videos or pics we take.
I hope James can get it figured out soon. I thought though, that because I know I can't remember it all (even in the past couple of months) that I will write some funny, poignant things down about our beloved Mr. E.
Elliot talks our ears off. Most of the time I can figure out what he's saying. Sometimes I just have to nod and say, "Yes, Ohhh, Uh huh, very cool!" He seems satisfied with this for now :).
He is saying 3 words at a time--occasionally more. Some words that I find totally wonderful that come out of his mouth are:
pentagon (and yes, he says it when actually referring to a PENTAGON!)
He is sharp as a tack and knows almost all colors, shapes, and numbers 1-10. He is recognizing letters as well. He shows me his name written on things. "Eyut Brook" he states proudly.
School remains a great place for him. He adores it. I have started jogging him to school in the stroller and walking the empty stroller home. It totals about 2 miles. I enjoy being with him early in the morning and taking that time before school begins (4 hours, 3 days a week).
He says "Weeeeeee" as we run and he says, "wind, wind!"
Funny things:
Elliot looked at my ear lobes without earrings in--he noted the holes of the piercings. He told me, "Mommy boo boo ear. Mommy ear splinters" and "mommy ears, tiny holes." This kid is SOOO observant.
He constantly refers to family members and friends he has met. Sometimes he just tells me that "Grandpa, Nana are coming. Grandpa, Nana sleeping. Grandpa, Nana home."
Then he repeats these things for his "PK" (his grandmother--James' mom), His Aunt Courtney and Uncle Chris. And my best friend, Tori.
Tori recently had a baby (Nimue). Elliot has met the baby one time but yesterday was whispering, "baby Nimue." in his car seat. His pronunciation is getting so much better.
He understands so many concepts that I thought would take longer:
on top
Anyhow, there is so much more, but my time is limited for writing for now.
We are having such fun and know there is more in store in that department.
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