Monday, June 30, 2008

Sleep, sitting, and storms

I promise to stop writing about sleep related things soon! It's just that there is a lot going on in that area.
Last night Elliot woke up more times than ANY other night since his birth! I am still wondering why. I am bleary eyed and he isn't well rested either. When babies learn new things they're sleep is interrupted. He did recently learn to sit if we prop his arms beside him. It is SO cute! I have pictures but our camera is BROKEN! I am on a mission to get it fixed.
Anyhow, Elliot sits (supported by his arms to his sides and slightly forward on the floor). If he wobbles, he is getting very good at correcting and not falling over. When he does fall (on the soft pad we play on) he spreads his arms and legs out wide and stops moving, eyes wide. He looks like he's about to make a snow angel. He laughs too--it is pretty funny. But I don't think this new trick is the reason for the lack of sleep.
We were up every 1-2 hours. There was a huge storm with lots of thunder. I thought of all the other mothers in town thinking about their child's sleep as the thunder shook the houses. I was up for the entire storm even though shockingly Elliot slept through it. I think he woke the minute it stopped raining!
I don't see any teeth yet, but he seems even more interested in his mouth (is that possible?) Maybe his gums are a bit more red--though that might just be due to his putting his fingers all over them.
I don't know my name anymore I'm so tired. Only young Elliot is cute enough to make me smile when I have sleep induced vertigo!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sleep continued...

So the sleeping thing is still working in that when we put Elliot down to sleep, he is calm and quiet and happy. Sometimes he just scoots and rolls around, making tiny noises, and then falling asleep (IT'S MIRACULOUS)!
Sometimes he just lays like a sack of potatoes, and just drifts off there. I just want to stay and watch him sleep because it is all new to me not to have him wriggling and fussing to be picked up.
What has been happening the past two nights is that he is waking every 2-3 hours to nurse. I have no problem with this other than my severe sleep deprivation making me very groggy, and I wonder why he is waking so often. No teeth, no fever, no dirty diaper, no growth spurt.
The good news remains though--even if he wakes to nurse, after he eats and gets a five minute walk on Mommy's shoulder--he peacefully goes back in his crib to sleep. **note about the crib: Our plan when he was born was for Elliot to co-sleep. All of us got ZERO sleep this way and James was afraid for rolling over on Elliot. We transitioned him to a cradle right next to my side of the bed (as if connected). He was here for over 3 months and that worked well until he became so aware of mom that each time I moved, he'd wake. He was getting no sleep. I was afraid of his development due to lack of sleep. With my mom's help, we transitioned him to a crib and me sleeping on the floor next to it. Now I am in the room next to his. He gets more sleep in his own space than any other option we tried. He is not awakened by mom, dad, or dogs. He loves his room and crib. He will play quietly in it and seems so independent as he does.

Anyhow, I am hoping for more consecutive hours of sleep again soon. But I'll continue to wake as often as that little angel needs me--even if that means walking smack-dab into a closed door on my way to get him! I have the bump on my eye to prove that I am not all there at Elliot's night time wakings (at least the first 15 seconds).
I can't say enough how much I am enjoying this little life. He is so aware and has such a distinct personality that I can't imagine how wonderful it will be as he continues to become who he will be. Already I know he is happy, strong willed, playful, curious, smart, strong, and FUNNY! He makes us laugh and seems to understand that he has the ability to do this.

Friday, June 27, 2008


The only thing better than getting sleep yourself is knowing your child is getting the sleep they need. Elliot has been on a crusade against sleep since the 3rd day after he was born. I haven't slept through the night since the second trimester of my pregnancy. It is amazing that a person can function on so little.
Most moms told me to put Elliot in the car, drive around and he'll go to sleep. We tried this--he sleeps about 15 minutes and then he's up again...seemingly rested! He just gets more overtired with these cat naps (kitten naps really).
Other moms said to put him in the swing. So in the swing he went...and went...and went...
Eyes wide open, giggles, then fussing. No sleep. To this day he has fallen asleep ONCE in the swing.
No, he does not sleep in the stroller either, if that's what you were thinking next. :)
He will fall asleep in the front carrier I wear (which I love and can be sized to fit both James and I) called a Pikkolo. Oh but just try to take it off without him waking!
Long story short, Elliot falls asleep on warm bodies--especially on the boob (which only Mama can provide).
I believe I have not just one, but possibly two spine issues. Both James and I have broken backs and shoulders. My feet feel like they've been crushed. But you see, we'd do ANYTHING to get Elliot to sleep. Most of the time that took HOURS. Yes, there is an "s" at the end of "hour."

We recently began letting Elliot learn a bit more on his own how to self sooth and fall asleep. He has taken to it so well I am in complete shock. The past two nights, after his nighttime routine of a PJ change, a light show, music, a book, and nursing, we put him down in his crib (AWAKE) and he went to sleep with not a peep! He literally was like, "hey, thanks for the story and the meal, see you in 7 hours!"

Today, the nap went the same way. He just KNOWS how to fall asleep, and he seems to be enjoying it. All around he is much happier. I know he'll be healthier as well.

Now if only I could peel myself away from the monitor and get some sleep too...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Catching up on an incredible 4 months!

It's hard to find time when yous world revolves around a little tyke. No one understands that until they have a child of their own. No one understands the amount of love that is possible either. James and I melt at the sight of that little face. We do tricks for smiles.
Little Elliot can smile and laugh like a little boy now. He seems so much older than he is. He loves his hands and feet--both finding his mouth whenever possible. He wears theses little "shoe socks" that look like shoes (laces and all) but are soft socks. He's almost too cute to handle.

Things we call him:

Precious Pea
Mr. Baby
Big Boy
Mr. Fussy-fuss (not often :)
Mr. Poopy Britches

Things he loves:

Kisses all over
Being in the backyard--it calms even the grumpiest Elliot
Rolling over
Playing on Ma Mamaw's quilt
Story time
going to the mailbox
All his grandparents
Playing "Squeeze the Baby!"
Getting lotioned
Getting his hair brushed with the yellow brush
His glow worm
Baby Einstein
The changing table
The Doggies
Fighting sleep
Grabbing Mommy and Daddy's faces

Things Elliot dislikes:

Going to sleep
Mommy sneezing

Notice that the list of "Likes" is much longer. He is such a lovely PERSON. Now that we can see more of his personality he's proving to be such a sweetheart. He is so happy (when the gas isn't bothering him) and so smart! His facial expressions are changing and they tell us more.
A note about the gas:
Normally, gas is calmed by 4 months. Elliot seems to be having more trouble with gas and reflux. We saw the pediatrician and we're pursuing an anti-food allergy route. So that means this Mama is off ALL dairy. For those of you who haven't tried to eliminate dairy from your diet--note that dairy is in EVERYTHING! It is difficult, but probably really good for me anyhow. I am not a fan of dairy for it's mucus forming properties (casein) among other things, so it will be great to be off of it and see how I feel too. I always decreased the amount I took in, but cheese is SOOOOO good! I've never had such motivation to be off of it. Only Elliot could provide me with that.
We'll wait to see what the doc tells us about his poo sample...yes, that means I collected Elliot poo and brought it to the doc. Not too gross when you're life revolves around baby poop. :)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Hello World!

Elliot: Born February 18 2008 at 7:43pm, Austin Texas. 6lbs 6oz. 20.5 inches
We were overcome with joy, appreciation...and of course exhaustion. Elliot is the prettiest baby we've ever seen. Alert and ready for anything.