Friday, November 21, 2014

Six going on 25

Most of my days are spent being thankful for my son and his soul that is most definitely treasure.  
If I wasn't his mom, I would still love him.

Some things to remember:

E talks a lot and has a lot of loving and funny things to say.  One night he talked about a little girl from class:

"I'd like to compliment Lila on how well she draws unicorns because she draws them way better than you would expect for her age."

This is the same little girl E bought a little stuffed unicorn for (with his allowance). She sent him a thank you note with $ .21 and said, "I like it and I love it."  

Pretty much sums up those two sweethearts!


He bought her the unicorn for a "forgiveness,"  as he put it.  He went on and on about how they had a misunderstanding.  He thought she pushed him, but it was an accident.

E went on and on about how he called her a terrible name.  

I asked him what it was.  Finally, under his breath, he said, "I called her a Pusher."

A PUSHER!  This is the worst thing he's ever called anyone.  Bless his heart. This level of innocence will be leaving soon and so I cherish every second of it.


This year our beloved Linus died.  Elliot so believes in Heaven and God and endless love.

In talking about Linus with wings in Heaven:

"One thing I know is that Heaven is the only place where there's real magic."



E is an absolute joy and light. He is funnier than most adults.  I have no worries about this little human.  He is going to change the world for the better.  I am a mom, and I can say all of this.  And I mean it.  

Monday, April 28, 2014

Photos of SIX!!!

Spring Festival, yoga, Easter eggs, sleeping boy, and lego heart card E made for one of his 5 girlfriends!


In keeping with the trend of not posting often, here is the "catch up" post.  Some of this happened when Elliot was 5, some when 6.  And by the way...6?!   How did that happen?

Elliot is reading.  He loves to read and reads road signs, menus, etc.  We take turns when we read at night.  I am baffled at how odd the English language is.  I am constantly saying, "oh, the GH is silent," or "the L is silent," or any number of weird things.

Speaking of weird things...

A song James and I overheard E singing in the car:

"When I feel hungry I'm not afraid, but when I'm full I'm scared"  (followed by laughter--James and Elliot are the king and prince of silly songs...look for no hidden meaning--it's all nonsense! )

Elliot told me recently after one of many failed attempts to scare me:

"Moms are hard to sneak up on!"  I have to agree...I'm like a ninja with a 6th sense ;)


We love to talk about how amazing the human body is!  Elliot and I share the same fascination there. We also read a lot of things about all kinds of science.  Sometimes there's so much information that we get things mixed up--for instance:

E: "Mom, you know that part of the atom?  You know that little part called the pancreas?"

Me:  "You mean the proton?"

E: "oh yes, that's what I meant."


One of Elliot's favorite things to do is to make up jokes.  Here are two from this week:

E:  "Why couldn't the little boy move when his mom told him to wait?

      "Because he was HANGING ON!"

E:  "Where does a dog like to go for vacation?"


**This will only be funny to a select few who know I am from Bartlesville Oklahoma.  He remembered!**


Elliot often tries to think of ways to tell me just how much he likes spending time with me:

E:  "Mama, I would enjoy being with you even if I was sea sick."

**I have to say, that is a lot, indeed.  I feel the same way about this special human.