Sunday, June 10, 2012


Elliot has such a large vocabulary that at times I have to laugh hearing such big words in such a small voice.  Recently, he has said some things that really made me laugh or warm my heart (or both) but he didn't get them just right. 

me: "Elliot, how's is going in there?"
Elliot:  It's going great because the way I build is really sopisticate.  (Soo-pis-tic-ate)

Elliot:  "Mom, I can tell I'm growing because I'm not declakit anymore. (Dek-la-kit)

Finally, I think his honestly is something to marvel at.
me: "Elliot, do you want me to leave your lego car next to your bed while you sleep and you can play with it in the morning?"

Elliot:  "Mom, I don't think that's  a good idea because you know how I like to take things apart."

Me: "So you're saying that if I leave it here you would just want to play with it?"

Elliot:   "Yes, so you should bring it into the livingroom for the nighttime."