Monday, April 9, 2012
observant Elliot and Easter
Now I pass the torch on to Elliot who finds things for James and I constantly!
Two days ago, while in my bathroom, Elliot picked up my sunglasses off the counter and said, "the little screw on this side is coming lose--the screw on the other side is in further."
I take the sunglasses and nearly squint to see that indeed, the tiny screw on one side is SLIGHTLY further out than the other.
I thanked Elliot and told him how special that was to know...then I forgot about it.
On my way out the door to teach yoga that evening, I picked up the glasses and off popped the arm! I couldn't believe that Elliot noticed it, told me about it, and the SAME DAY it needed to be fixed!
**Elliot Quote of the Day: "Mama, how do squirrels sleep and not get scared when there's thunder? "
Ahhhhh Elliot, friend and lover of the woodland creatures!
**I am a proud mama if you hadn't noticed. This blog is for Elliot one day to read. Soooooo, if it is less than entertaining and you don't want to hear my doting, you might want to skip it! Love to all of you who read it--but I tend to skip anything "negative" on this particular blog. That doesn't mean we don't have hard days--but this is about the days that aren't.
Friday, April 6, 2012
been a long time
Elliot is now four and has really come into boyhood...(sigh...).
It is bittersweet for sure.
He spends most of his time riding around the house on his tricycle...FAST. He steers like he's a race car driver and is fast and fearless. Even outside he will ride his "bigwheel" down a steep hill while squealing with glee.
He is able to do so much. As we often excliam, " You can do that because you are FOUR now!" He prides himself on all that now comes with ease. He often speaks of when he was a "baby," and could not do the same things.
Speaking of babies, or anyone younger than Elliot:
Elliot is a born teacher, giver, and encourager. He is a living heart.
I recently got an email from one of his beloved teachers who wrote:
"His kindness and tenderness
towards others is clear and he shares a very empathetic nature with
children who may be sad or upset."
Any parent would be proud to hear these words about their child--and as he is only four, it is so beautiful.
Yesterday, James and I took him to the park. There was a 3 year old boy there who was as big (read: bigger) than Elliot. After brief introductions, they were off playing. Soon after, the younger boy shoved Elliot to the ground. Elliot did as he always does in this situation, he did not push back, but instead said very sternly to the child, " NO! We do NOT push!"
We explained to Elliot that the other boy was younger and they began running and playing again.
Elliot climbed the rock wall and up the ladder.
Then, the other little boy began to try the same things. Each time, Elliot walked over and gently offered assistance under the little boy, the same way a parent does. He had his little arms outstretched to actually catch the child if he were to fall (not realizing that he would not be able to catch the other boy and would more likely be crushed!) Then, he began putting his hands on the other child's hips to hold him and position him. He did this EACH time the little boy attempted a new challenge.
Did I mention that the little boy's mother was ALSO there doing exactly what Elliot was doing?!
The mother and I had a good laugh and she mentioned how rare it was to see that and how special it was.
The best part was that Elliot truly felt helpful and nurturing, because before we left, as Elliot is guiding the boy on yet another venture, Elliot turns to the mother and says, "Well, this might be the last toy your boy can do today because we're about to leave."
Insert lots of laughter here and overfull hearts.
The other night Elliot asked,
"Mama, If I have a bad dream and you have ear plugs in, how will you hear me."
**I do wear earplugs to sleep, but turn on a monitor in my room to hear him**
Me: "I will hear you, I will know. Don't worry. I hear you on the monitor."
Elliot: "But what if you don't?"
Me: " I promise I will. I have special Mama powers."
Elliot: "Oh I get it. So if I have a bad dream, it will travel into your dream and wake you up and you'll know."
Me: Exactly.
Sometimes, I feel like that could happen--as I often feel we share the same heart.
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