E has a memory that is better than my own.
It's actually FREAKISH what he remembers. He might have gone somewhere ONCE when he was not even yet two--or just over and then NOW (he just turned 3) we go back and before we walk in, he tells me all about what is inside...and THAT IS WHAT IS INSIDE!!!
We are QUITE sick over here and today on E's 4th doc trip and my 2nd--I opted to take him to my family doc who he has never seen before.
The only time he was at this office was with me about 11-12 months ago.
He looked at the building and yelled, "there are fishies in there! Fishies in a crank!
And yes, there is a large fish "crank" in the middle of the lobby...I nearly fainted--and this time not from sheer sickness.
E later told me the fishies were indeed in a "tank" and then as we left he joyfully called out to the fish, "goodbye fishies, see you later!"
There are so many occasions where I have to stop what I'm doing to ask Elliot, "wait, what did you just say?" because he has recounted something so seemingly unremarkable and from so long ago, that I go into a bit of shock.
Now if only we could remember where his shoes are... ;)