Monday, September 27, 2010

Just keeping sweet records

Elliot has said lately:

"mama, you are my favorite girl."

"Daddy loves Mommy and Daddy and Mommy say I love you."

"Daddy is Mommy's boy."

"Mama, Nana is kind of like a bunny and Grandpa is kind of like a fishy."

"Someone's having a birthday tonight and it's Uncle Chris" (who, by the way is in Dallas and who's b-day isn't until March :)

instead of, I am two YEARS old:

"I am two AND old."

when Linus, our crazy dog was wining incessantly:

"I think he needs some space."

when he begins a story:

"Once upon a day..."

as he was humming in the car:

"Mama, I'm a humming bird"

"Mama, I'm so impressed with you."

These are here so I remember them, I have already forgotten so many things he has said and they happened this month!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


E has been telling stories that start with, "then..."

"Then the baby went inside the rasberry. He was teeny tiny."

"Then the piggie was on my foot."

"Then the doggie was dirty and made footprints."

They are endless. They are usually off the cuff, and always a joy to me.