Sunday, September 28, 2008


So we didn't get his best crawling on video--of course--but here is a sample of some of his moves. He's working on it. Funny that he won't crawl towards Mom or Dad, but stick a two dollar wooden vase on the floor and watch him go! He'll also crawl toward a "Crock" shoe or a dog. He is motivated only by things other than cheering parents :)

Friday, September 19, 2008

possible hyperventilation (Mom, not baby)

Elliot has a new trick full of fast breathing, a scrunched up nose, and some snorts. He now does it all day long. It is usually intermixed with some high pitched squeals, and some "ba ba ma ma."
We've decided not to encourage it anymore for fear he's going to get really light headed. He can go on some long stints of it without a real breath. He thinks it's the best thing since pureed pears.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My boys

Ahhhhhh, my favorite boys. When did Elliot get so big?
Hope his teeth come in before his 5 o'clock shadow (which is really Daddy's two day old shadow).
Gotta love these guys.


Okay, so it's not exactly Michael Phelps, but I gotta hand it to the kiddo, he was much more willing to get into the water than mom. The water happened to be cooler than bath temperature, so I had to ease in a toe at a time!
He seemed to enjoy devouring the cloth toy more than the pool--though he does like to splash. Apparently he prefers the big kid pool that not only has a deep end to kick in, but also BIG KIDS, which are mesmerizing.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Crib Friends

Elliot chillin' in the swing

Elliot is pretty chilled out in the swing. We don't put him here often as he doesn't love it like many babies seem to. I remember thinking how I'd have a baby that would just fall asleep to the nice rocking motion. Instead I got a kid who rock's out and causes commotion!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

More Elliot on YouTube

I have yet to figure out how to upload the larger files (longer videos) to this blog so for now there are two more on YouTube:
